Margie and Ron's Landing Page

We are Marigie and Ron. We are just two ordinary people who have had long careers and are finally hanging up our work boots and starting to enjoy out retired (mostly) life. This is our web page for documenting our adventures, happenings, and travels.

We also have a recent addition to the family, an eight month old Main Coon cat named Luna. In the short time she has been with us we have seen her grow from a small kitten that we could hold in our hands to a larger kitten that is mos tlikely larger than most full grown cats. Out latest attempt to measure her length, nose to tail (she did not like the measuring tape) puts her at about 30 inches. Of course now that she has learned t0 jump and climb, she is into everything.

We want Luna to be accostomed to travelling so we take her with us when we go out as often as we can. One of he favorite destinations (well OK it is ours but she enjoys it too) is local wineries. Here she is at Barren Ridge winery after a full day of drinking wine and listening to music. She is usually a hit with the crowd and she gets plenty of attention with everybody coming to say hi. She is a particular hit at the North Mountain winery in Tom's Brook Va and she is the unofficial house cat when we go there. Thanks to a couple of friends who take their cat for a walk every day on a leash, we are training Luna to go out for walks on a leash. Since we are in the mountains, this usually is just her chaing birds and trying to drag us into the forest but we keep trying to get her to just go on walks.

So far there is not a lot of content on our adventures but we will add more as we start to travel. Stay tuned…

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